Thursday, 21 January 2016

Location Shots

Location Shots.

Haunted School.

Location 1: Cheney School, Headington.

we have deeply thought about where our location in our movie is going to be. One of the locations we were thinking about was the idea of a zombie apocalypse happening in a school. The benefits of doing it in a school is the fact that it is quite mysterious and spooky; this goes really well with our genre.

This may seem mysterious and spooky as children and teenagers go to school. The fact that it has young people in it can seem quite frightening as children are still developing, you could think that they would not be able to deal with a zombie apocalypse and take control of the situation, which could lead to things going wrong. Also the fact that they're not as knowledgeable as adults (not knowing what to do) can seem like a potential threat towards them.

A downfall would be that, it'll be hard to make a ordinary school look terrifying as you won't be able to adjust/move/fix school property to make it look haunted and abandoned.

Friends House.

Location 2: Gathorne Road, Headington.

We were contemplating about setting the location at a friends house; a benefit of doing it at a friends house could be that we can manipulate the house to make it look mysterious and petrifying.

This would be a huge advantage as it will really work well with our genre and the plot we are trying to set.

A potential drawback would be actually trying to make the house look scary; making the features of the house look terrifying would be quite difficult as we would need to think deeply about the manipulating the house but can be done by some special effects.

We have taken some screenshots of the potential houses we may use and possible streets.

Location 3: Franks Living Room, Headington

The choice to have used Franks living room is simply because it is relatively unusual for the audience to have a view from this point. The fact that the audience have an insight from this point conveys a sense of insecurity which can imply to the viewer that something strange/mysterious is happening in this normal persons house; which in some case, can be quite frightening as the audience potentially could have some trail of thoughts reminding them back to some of their own experiences. Furthermore, as the character is in his own house, he is in the comfort of his own home, therefore would be behaving naturally.


We have finally concluded to shoot our opening movie at Frank's house. Although this wouldn't be naturally as scary as an abandon house; we will have significant symbols around the house to reveal that it is ghostly and mysterious (I.e. blood on the glass and tins scattered everywhere in the kitchen).


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